How to choose the right used car

 Each of us knows that all cars automatically lose 10% of their original value when leaving the car dealership. Therefore, more and more people prefer used cars. However, so that such a purchase does not bring material losses to the future owner, you should know how to choose the right used car. Consider what to consider when choosing a used car.

Car history
According to statistics, 48% of cars put up for sale have been involved in an accident at least once, and 18% have twisted mileage. In order not to become a victim of deception and to buy a "clean" car, you need to check its history by VIN-code. It is an identification number that is assigned to all vehicles at the factory. You should go to the official resource of the traffic police and drive in a 17-digit code, after which a potential buyer will find out the necessary information about the desired car.

Body condition
Car body inspection should be carried out with a clean car and with sufficient lighting. In addition to a thorough visual inspection, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

· Joints between the hood and fenders, pillars and doors and other elements - the difference in their width indicates the emergency past of the car;

· Stickers and inscriptions - they are often used to mask defects;

· Closing all doors - they should be closed with the same force and sound;

· Bumper attachment points and side members - metal folds and chipped paint indicate that the car was pulled at the stand;

· Wheel arches, sills and underbody of a car - these elements are subject to corrosion.

It is recommended to check the engine in car services, but experienced motorists can do it on their own:

· Having examined the engine for leaks, deformations and foreign liquids;

· After listening to the sound of a running car, which should be even and of the same tonality;

By connecting a diagnostic wire to detect errors on-board computer and motor problems;

· Having examined the engine compartment to determine the head-on collisions of a car;

· Having a ride in a car and seeing the motor in action.

To determine the approximate condition of the car's chassis, you need to check its shock absorbers and springs. Swinging the car more than twice when pushing it indicates a malfunction of the shock absorbers, and too low a suspension indicates sagging springs.

However, it is still not worth saving on the inspection of the running gear at the service station, since buying a car with a faulty "hodovka" will subsequently lead to high costs for its repair.


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